Leather Cases for Holding, Storing and Transporting Pinfire Cartridges

This article will take a look at some leather cases for holding, storing and transporting pinfire cartridges. Since pinfire cartridges had to be handled with a little more care than other types of cartridges, some people purchased pouches such as these shown to make it safer and more convenient to carry the cartridges.
First up is a leather cartouchiere that holds twenty-four 7mm pinfire cartridges. It has a simple brass locking mechanism on the front that unlocks the case when you slide it and hold it down.

The next few were made or retailed by Manufacture Française d’Armes et Cycles de St.Etienne. They are leather cases that pull open from either side and have metal holders to separate the cartridges.

The ads for these lists them as being able to hold both pinfire and centerfire cartridges.

And they were made for 5mm, 7mm, 9mm and 12mm cartridges.

For Shotshells

The catalogs also listed versions for shotshells of all sizes and they work in the same manner but hold less cartridges.

Bracelet made for carrying pinfire cartridges

I have also found a bracelet made for carrying pinfire cartridges. I do not know anything about it. Maybe it was made for the fashionable female who needed a little extra protection!

Keep the Information flowing — As Mentioned by before….a ‘primer insert cylinder — could be a new ‘non-gun’ or ETC..
I love this information.😀
Here are a few more examples of pinfire shell carriers in 12 and 16 gauge.